Friday 20 December 2013

feminism notes


thriller narratives

types of thriller narratives
There are different types of Thriller narratives. they are:
omniscient- narrative is when we know all things that that narrative has to say. If there is a hero or an villain, we will see the narrative from the villain and the hero's perspective also. when you do this in a thriller , the suspense and tension derives from the viewer knowing the conflict between the hero and villain will happen but they don't know when.
Linear- An linear structure has a beginning, an middle and an end. They are all set chronologically and follow the same pattern. Most films have this structure and is one of the common narratives.
Non Linear- An Non linear structure is much different to an linear structure because it won't have a beginning, an middle and end, it will choose where it stars. It might do this in the form of flashbacks. The structure in these films are quite loose and relaxed. This structure is not as popular as a linear structure.

Thursday 12 December 2013


The different types of thriller sub-genre's
Conspiracy Thriller- An conspiracy thriller are usually heroes who assume the role of detectives or journalists who work to unravel and bring down an massive company or corporation. Examples of conspiracy thrillers are the enemy of the state

Mystery Thriller- An mystery thriller usually shows the hero of the film as a detective or a journalist trying to solve a mystery. The mystery itself is the core of the suspense, mystery and intrigue in the film.  
The film will often give clues to the viewer making the viewer ask themselves questions? By doing this, the viewer becomes more intrigued by the mystery and will want to find out what the answer is. Example of a mystery thriller is Shutter island

Crime Thrillers - An crime thriller usually portrays criminals as anti-heroes or villains who seek to perform crime. The build up to the crime, or the crime itself is the source of tension and suspense in these films. An example of a crime thriller is Se7en.

Disaster Thriller - An disaster thriller is an film which shows an major disaster like a tsunami, hurricane or explosion occurring and the tension and thrill of the film comes from the people in the disaster, trying to survive. Example of a disaster film is 2012.

Political Thrillers are thrillers where the stability of an government is destroyed and it is up to a hero or heroine to ensure that the government is stable at the end in order to prevent a potential disaster, like a world war or nuclear disaster. Example of a political thriller is JFK.

Religious Thrillers are thrillers in where religion is a key aspect in terms of the narrative and plot devices of the film. The general messages of most religions, of good overcoming evil, is an key aspect in religious thrillers and is used in most of the narratives. Examples of a religious thriller are The Da Vinci Code.

Supernatural Thrillers are thrillers which feature something not human or a person with an unnatural ability. This sub-genre links closely to religious thrillers. Example of a supernatural thriller is The Others.

Techno Thrillers are thrillers where technology plays a key part in the narrative of the film. The suspense and tension usually derive from the technological aspect of the film, with the changes they make to everyday life worrying for the audience. Example of a Techno Thriller is The Matrix.

IMDB target audience

the inceptions target audience is:

this graph shows that the target audience are males under the age of 18. so I could aim my thriller opening at males under the age of 18.

shutter island target audience is:

this graph shows that the target audience for shutter island aswell as inception is also aimed at males under the age of 18

silence of the lambs target audience is :

 the target audience for silence of the lambs is people aged under 18 so i think that i should aim my thriller opening at people aged under 18

post masculinity

a post masculine man is someone who's masculine attributes are exaggerated. like in the I.T crowd they men who are the bank robbers are the post masculine men

Tuesday 5 November 2013

this is the moodboard that me and Aaron made about thriller openings, this influenced are idea for our thriller opening

Tuesday 8 October 2013

this is the thriller iconography mood board this show how you can identify a thriller film

Friday 4 October 2013

Dexter Finished Remake Charlie and Aaron

this is the dexter remake for the opening sequence and we did this because i is an opening sequence for a thriller, you can tell that it is a thriller because you can see at lot of stuff that looks like blood


this is the remake for the title sequence for the thriller movie "se7en" you can tell that it is a thriller because of the fast past ad the mystery